Find out how to be part of Google Colombia if you are a university student

From September 3 to October 5, those who want to be part of the Google internship program, can register online

Find out how to be part of Google Colombia if you are a university student

At the end of last week, Google announced its internship program, Google Business Internship Program, for students who are studying their last two semesters in public and private universities located in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.

Leer en español: Entérate cómo ser parte de Google Colombia si eres estudiante universitario

From September 3 to October 5 those who want to register can do so through the following link .

Then, from October to February 2019, candidates will go through a phase of interviews via Hangouts and by the end of March of next year the results will be announced.

As always, Google is looking for curious people who, from their concerns, contribute to the construction of the company. Interns will be part of Google for six months and will have a real experience in the industry, especially in the areas of sales, service and support, commercial strategy, engineering and technology, technical solutions, marketing and communications.


Una publicación compartida de Google (@google) el

"The students will live an experience that will contribute to their growth and professional development, guided by a team of professional leaders and experts that will help them carry out high-impact projects for the company", Google said in a statement.

What do you need if you want to apply from Colombia?

According to the official Google Careers page, the minimum and preferred requirements to be part of the program are:

• Be available to start the intership in the Google office in Bogotá from June 17, 2019 to December 13, 2019.
• Applicants must be currently enrolled in any career at a university in Colombia with an expected graduation date between December 2019 and July 2020.
• Ability to speak and write in English and Spanish fluently.
• Excellent analytical skills, with an interest in facing business challenges.
• Interest in the Internet and in Google's technology business.
• Effective interpersonal and organizational skills, with the ability to navigate in an ambiguous environment.

The responsibilities will be assigned to each intern at the beginning of the program and will be sought to give them the opportunity to make large contributions to their team and the company.

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In Latin America, Google has gone from having almost no presence in 2000, to having offices in 7 countries, from Mexico to Argentina. In an interview with the newspaper Dinero, Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Latin America, affirms that the company has made an important investment for economic and social development, sponsoring the work of NGOs and technological ventures.

That is why, in the quest to make it easier for people to live their daily lives, and help solve the major problems of society, Google seeks to get in touch with enterprising, analytical people who wish to work together with the company.


LatinAmerican Post | Luisa Fernanda Báez
Copy edited by Marcela Peñaloza

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