Where does the Latin American obsession with marathons come from?

We asked Olympic athlete Kellys Arias and sports journalist Julián Marulanda to explain this phenomenon

Where does the Latin American obsession with marathons come from?

In Latin America, people have decided to participate in marathons in order to compete, show their talent or simply to encourage physical activity. Cities such as Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Bogota, Rio de Janeiro, Lima, among others, have been commissioned to carry out and massify these events.

Leer en español: ¿De dónde viene la obsesión latinoamericana con las maratones?

These competitions are responsible for integrating society through sports, and similarly generate healthy living habits. Both elite and amateur competitors are prepared in the best possible way with the goal of reaching the goal and enjoy running.

LatinAmerican Post spoke with Kellys Arias, athlete, and with Julián Marulanda, an expert in athletics, about the rise of marathons in Latin America. Arias is a Colombian athlete who has participated in first level marathons in the world and has achieved several awards. For his part, Marulanda is a Colombian journalist, who has competed in these competitions and has organized some of them.

Marathons integrate Latin American society

"In marathons there are many people who run as a family, and this generates a healthy life impact," Arias told LatinAmerican Post. The athlete added that athletics is a very complete sport that allows families to have free time and entertainment.

He also added that amateur runners send the invitation to other athletes to compete and enjoy the tests. Arias said that the good results in the marathons raise more top-level athletes in Latin America.

Julián Marulanda said that long-term challenges invite people to benefit primarily in health issues. Also, he assured that in the majority of these competitions around 30 thousand to 40 thousand people participate.

How should athletes be prepared to compete in these events?

"An amateur athlete must jog at least three times a week, and it's also good to do a gym," Arias told LatinAmerican Post. Similarly, stressed that it is essential that athletes get medical checkups because there must be a lot of resistance in the legs.

"Those who wish to compete in these tests should train around three months, establishing distance schedules," said Marulanda.

Like Arias, Marulanda says that medical checks should be done in order to analyze heart rhythms and see how the body adapts. In addition, he said that food is essential both in elite athletes and fans.

What healthy habits are generated in the population?

In the first instance, Marulanda said that people who compete in these tests will have a stronger heart and lungs. According to Julian, the body will take a fiber style, it will stay healthy and the important thing is to consume fruits and vegetables before running. Similarly, the expert stressed that the bones will acquire many strengths and that will be essential in the muscular part.

What is the reason for the increase in marathons in Latin America?

"There is a lot of public that is interested in participating, and obviously the general public is attracted by the publicity that is being made," said Marulanda. The analyst assures that this aspect is fundamental both commercially and in the sports field and therefore the participants increase.

In turn, Kellys Arias said that athletics has had a positive impact and that is why there are many runners who prepare for these marathons. Arias believes that in Latin America, these competitions have increased thanks to the good show offered by each of the riders.

Marulanda pointed out that there is high level evidence in Latin America in various sectors such as Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Argentina. Marathons have had a great success in Latin America in recent years thanks to healthy trends and high-level entertainment.

Next competitions in Latin America, according to My Race Land:

July 1, 2018: Ultra Trail Pululahua: Quito, Ecuador

July 6, 2018: Official 26.2 mi Inca Trail Marathon: Cusco, Peru

July 29, 2018: Half Marathon of Bogotá, Colombia

August 19, 2018: Half Marathon Interior of Rio, Brazil

August 26, 2018: 21 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Argentina

September 23, 2018: Marathon of Buenos Aires, Argentina

November 28, 2018: Marathon De Los Sables, Peru

LatinAmerican Post | Daniel Cuevas

Translated from "Where does the Latin American obsession with marathons come from?"

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