Returnal: a revolutionary game that will convince many to buy the PS5

This long-awaited Sony release becomes the first “console saler” game for the PS5 and demonstrates all that this machine can offer .

Trailer frame for the video game 'Returnal'

Returnal is a completely enriching gaming experience, to the point where it is cataloged as the first “console seller” title of this new generation. Photo: YT-Play Station

LatinAmerican Post | Ariel Cipolla

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Leer en español: Returnal: un juego revolucionario que convencerá a muchos de comprar la PS5

When the PS5 came out, one of the main questions users had was whether or not it was worth buying the console. Don't be misunderstood: the hardware was promising, but it was necessary to have exclusive titles that justified the investment . One of them was Returnal, which had captivated many users as a disruptive proposal that would only be available for the PlayStation 5.

Now that it has been launched, it can be confirmed that Returnal is a completely enriching gaming experience, to the point where it is cataloged as the first “console seller” title of this new generation , as it shows that video game formulas do not have to repeat itself and that more diverse and strange titles are needed.

For example, Esquire's specialized medium mentions it as the "great surprise of 2021", ideal for all fans of frenetic action and science fiction , with dark sides, but also unique mechanics that will make players take many surprises. and want to play over and over again. Let's see why it is a good idea to give it a try to discover the possibilities of this console.

Returnal's success

The first thing to mention is that Returnal was one of the most anticipated titles by the gamer community . This is because it has a completely original proposal: every time we die we will return to the starting point. Although we will keep certain key objects of the adventure, each trip will involve a new discovery and a new bet to continue the story.

This brilliant mechanic allows players to focus on the narrative element , as there are many things to discover, as the plot is being told "by dropper". This mechanic is a breath of fresh air for the industry, in the sense that it does not follow a classic RPG or action game formula . On the contrary, it appeals to the mystery and freedom of the players.

Being in a roguelike-like game with infinite cycles, with random levels that allow us to “forge our own destiny”, each player will have a completely different experience from the others. Unlike other titles with similar gameplay, once certain patterns are displayed the game generates new mechanics and scenarios so you never think it becomes repetitive.

The plot is simple: we will forcibly land in a changing world . Our protagonist, Selene, is a space pilot who is completely alone and will have to find a way to escape to return home , so she must face innumerable dangers in an environment where dangers are just around the corner.

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While many players expected a “classic shooter adventure game,” they are automatically surprised by the self-renewal that the title generates. Death will be one more game mechanic, since the journey is constantly restarted – and with it, the maps – and forces players to learn the best tips or tricks for each moment of the adventure, although without generating too many structures, since biomes and enemies mutate.

While the mechanics are completely original and the story will be fascinating, the gameplay is also among the best in the industry. From Extra Life they indicate that the shots are "a real joy", because you will constantly want to look for confrontations, as they are frantic and very funny, but they also encourage you to discover the secrets behind the plot.

Precisely, we will be able to get to know the history of the planet, its past of destruction or the destiny of the beings that live there , something that we will discover as we “take risks”. Instead of being a typical alien title, we will observe that we are strange visitors within a society in decline, with characters with dilemmas so strange that they will make us feel like we are inside a psychological thriller.

As for the graphic section, it is the first game on the console that knows how to exploit all its possibilities. All the settings seem to be taken from a frame of a science fiction film and the details in the faces of each of the characters give much more force to the narrative , which allows us to immerse ourselves even more in the script.

In addition, the special component of replayability solves one of the main problems in the industry. As new generation games tend to be more expensive, the playtime must be justified to make the investment , something that not all releases achieve. Well, none of that happens with Returnal: having infinite life cycles, you can always "try again", so you will ensure hours and hours of fun and mystery .

In short, Returnal stands as one of the main surprises of 2021 , but also as the game that could merit the purchase of the PS5. Players who decide to invest in this title are guaranteed exquisite graphics, addictive gameplay, refreshing mechanics and a completely original story. Hopefully the following titles will keep up!

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