Everything You Need To Know To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Here we show you how to strengthen your pelvic floor

Here we show you how to strengthen your pelvic floor

woman doing exercise

Foto: Unsplash

LatinAmerican Post | Yolanda Madrid

Although it is hard to believe, many people never get to know their body 100%. For example, some women hear about the pelvic floor for the first time during their childbirth classes or when they find a urinary incontinence problem. But we are talking about an important area to which we must give the necessary attention to that increases our quality of life and does not deteriorate because of that muscle.

What is the pelvic floor?

It is a set of muscles and ligaments that close the abdominal cavity in its lower part in order to support organs such as the uterus, bladder and rectum in the woman. In fact, it is such a flexible area that it can adapt to our movements and in turn be strengthened with exercises, but it can also weaken if, on the contrary, we do not use it constantly.

The main muscle of the pelvic floor is the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which runs from the pubis to the coccyx surrounding the urethra, vagina and anus. This Hammock-shaped muscle also has the function of increasing the capacity for arousal and reaching higher quality orgasms as long as it has a good tonicity.

It is essential to bear in mind that as long as the tonicity of the pelvic floor muscles is in excellent condition, the risks of contracting incontinence problems will be much smaller. Otherwise, having said area weakened, the situation could worsen to the point of suffering from infections or prolapses, which usually require surgery. It is there when prevention plays a crucial role in the lives of women, since the option of saving so much suffering is in our hands if we make the exercises to strengthen it a daily habit.

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Kegel exercises, the best method to strengthen the pelvic floor

To perform Kegel exercises we only have to tighten the pelvic floor muscles, as simple as that. But how do you know it’s being done correctly? Although most women know how to contract our abdominals, the opposite happens when it comes to the pelvic floor due to a lack of knowledge. Precisely, the idea of ​​this article is to explain it in a clear, simple and useful way.

First of all, the first step is to recognize the pubococcygeus muscle, the one that we contract to stop urination by cutting off the flow of urine when urinating. The idea is to learn to contract this muscle without urinating or contracting your abs or buttocks, but if you still have doubts and you still don’t know if you’re doing it correctly, do the following test: insert a finger moistened with water into the vagina and try to contract it with the muscles of the pelvic floor. Take your time and try as many times as necessary until you get it.

Once you recognize the pubococcygeus muscle, the path will be easier for learn to strengthen it daily with Kegel exercises. Always keep in mind that you should not squeeze your stomach, legs, or other muscles at the same time, as this could add pressure to the muscles that control your bladder. While you squeeze correctly, do not hold your breath.

Remember that to do the exercises you must be in a quiet place where you can concentrate, preferably in a room for you to lie down. Contract your pelvic muscles, hold for 3 seconds, and then relax for another 3 seconds. Repeat the procedure 10 or 15 more times. Go at your own pace and as the days go by increase it from 3 to 5 seconds. If you want, you can keep track of your daily sessions.

For best results and to ensure that your pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, perform the exercises at least three times a day. Once you master the technique you can practice it, not only lying on your bed, but also sitting at the table and even standing up while you are anywhere in your home or workplace. These exercises go unnoticed for other people, not to mention that it doesn’t interfere with your other activities.

Finally, you may have minor difficulties when performing Kegel exercises, but there is nothing to worry about because they are temporary and can be resolved. However, if the discomfort is great, do not hesitate to see a specialist. Be patient and don’t give up. Consistency will be your best ally and the improvements in your pelvic floor will begin to be noticed in a matter of weeks.

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