How to travel by plane with pets?: These are some recommendations

We leave you a series of simple recommendations to keep in mind when traveling with a pet.

Jack russell terrier dog inside an animal travel transport box

We tell you some basic and important criteria to be able to have a safe trip with pets. Photo: Adobe Stock

LatinAmerican Post | Brandon Martínez Salazar

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Traveling with pets has always been difficult for people, especially during the holidays or Christmas season. For travelers, the way in which transport companies proceed to travel with animals turns out to be, at times, a very cumbersome situation.

However, things can be better if certain considerations are taken into account to avoid uncomfortable circumstances for both animals and people traveling, whether in a bus, plane or private vehicle.

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So, here are some basic and important criteria to be able to have a safe trip with pets.

Basic and pre-trip recommendations

It is essential that certain protocols are followed before traveling with the pet. This requires the following:
– The pet must have eaten at least two hours before traveling. This in order that he/she does not to get dizzy and prevent vomiting.
– It is essential that the pet has the entire vaccination scheme and is dewormed.
– If you are going to medicate the pet to keep it calm during the trip, it is advisable to receive advice from a professional and not do it on your own initiative, since it can affect the health of our life partner.
– It is not advisable to travel with animals that have suffered recent health problems.
– It is essential that the pet is easily identifiable and that it also carries enough food to the destination.

Tips for private trips

Travel in your own vehicle is ideal for pet owners, as they can have more control and comfort throughout the journey. However, it must also be taken into account that:
– The pet must be previously accustomed to the vehicle.
Exercise the animal before starting the trip.
– It is recommended that the pet go inside a crate, in order to avoid distractions.
– It is necessary to make stops every two or three hours so that they can stretch, eat, and drink water.
Bring a toy to keep him/her entertained.
– Keep the vehicle windows open.

Tips for air travel
Generally, bringing pets on a plane is more complex as airlines have stricter requirements when traveling with animals:
Thoroughly consult the current regulations on transporting animals.
– If it is an international trip, it is essential that you investigate the regulations for entering other countries when traveling with your pet.
– Ask about traveling in the cabin with pets since airlines have restrictions on size and breed.
– Bring all the documentation that certifies that the animal can travel in the cabin: emotional support, vaccines and training.
– Keep in mind that airlines generally charge an additional fee for bringing the pet with them.

Tips for trips by bus

Like air travel, traveling by bus requires some considerations, but it can be more complicated in some cases due to the length of the journey:
Ask before buying the ticket if you can bring pets.
– As in air travel, it is essential to have certificates on the pet on hand.
– Depending on the size of the animals, the animal may need to go with the luggage. For this, it is necessary that it is inside a crate of proportional dimensions and that it is comfortable.
– If the pet goes in downstairs, make sure that the place where you will be has sufficient ventilation.
– Ask the driver to make certain stops to verify the conditions of the animal.
– There may be an additional charge for the transport of pets.

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