How To Help Your Children Fight Fears and Phobias?

The confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic seriously affected the psychosocial and emotional well-being of children. Learn how to combat their fears!.

The Woman Post | María Carolina Rivero

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The COVID-19 health crisis generated a series of anxieties among children and adolescents, due to social distancing. In addition, other factors such as limitations in mobilization, the loss of loved ones, and the fact that parents have problems at work and income influenced.

A recent study called "Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children aged 7 to 15 years" was conducted by Libia Quero and published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Quero reveals that the confinement generated modifications in the daily routines of the children, produced by the restriction of mobility. The data collected in the report show that of 150 young people evaluated, 51.3% were girls and 48.7% were boys between the ages of 2 and 11. The findings show that 5% were rated as depressed, 2% showed anxiety and 10% expressed irritability.

On the other hand, the report concluded that children endure a rather complex situation and it involves a strong psychological impact, anxiety, and depressions. That is why some experts work mitigating these emotions that suggest a slight emotional imbalance.

Other Similar Studies

Another recent study called "Understanding Anxiety in Children and Teens" was conducted by the Children's Mind Institute. It reveals that in recent decades there has been an increase of 3.5% to 4.1% in diagnoses of anxiety disorders in young people. The new report shows that some children have disproportionate fears leading to a social anxiety disorder or phobia. The data collected conclude that the percentage of adolescents with an anxiety disorder is 13% and with social uncertainty is 9%. Even, the anguish for separation or divorce of parents is 8%, panic of 2%, and generalized anxiety disorders 2%.

Anxiety is the origin of worry in college, this being the most frequent with 48% and then stress with 39%. In addition, about 50% of teens consider themselves shy, of which only 12% develop a social anxiety disorder. Women may also develop an increased risk of anxiety, even if that danger increases at puberty.


The data suggest that there is an obsession with the prevalence and customs of social media use. These actions lead to 95% of teens having a smartphone and 45% being online. In addition, 24% think that networks have a negative impact and this causes bullying and 31% consider that it has a positive effect.

On the other hand, 97% of young people implement social networks, of which 35% reveal sleep problems and 47% anxiety. That is why the report suggests ensuring that mild and moderate cases have access to medical care. However, only 1% of young people seek professional help.

How To Make Your Children Overcome Their Fears?

Pilar Rico, a psychologist, and expert in children's clinic suggest some tips for parents to implement exercises and their children can solve their fears.

-Provide affection and protection to infants when they generate conflicts of fear.

-Encourage and encourage attitudes against fears.

-Avoid teaching new fears.

-It is advantageous to calm the child's emotions or feelings, without ridiculing them.

-Promote behaviors of autonomy and guide them to independence.

-Make accompaniments at the base of fear, for its mitigation. Reinforce the capacity of their attempts even if they do not reach the goal.

-Trust in their ability to overcome.

In short, fears must be managed promptly with activities and exercises or in any case with professional help. These actions for a long time can become an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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