3 Keys to the New Female Generations in Programming

Programming, an increasingly dynamic technological world and now has a female perspective.

The Woman Post | María Carolina Rivero

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The severe shortage of women in STEM professions and this technology sector is due to purely structural drawbacks. However, some experts emphasize other problems, including few stimuli in their education, lack of role models in the industry, and wage inequality. All these difficulties lead the female gender to abandon their careers.

The first study of the Dr. Manuel Sadosky Foundation on the low presence of women in computing reveals that this global trend has not been accompanied by the interest of young people. On the contrary, it has become the roadblock in the evolution of this sector. In addition, the problem has been seriously aggravated, because the female gender represents only 18% of data processing students. However, the UBA shows in its analysis comparisons of the Career of Computer Science where women were the majority. In the 60s it got 67%, in the 70s it reached 75%, this was undoubtedly the highest period, however, it began to plummet. In the 80s 61%, in the 90s 46%, in 2000 19% and currently does not exceed 11%, a vertiginous fall of women in computer science.

The data collected highlights that only 22% manifest potential to develop in automation. In addition, 35% have a preference to work with digital technologies, but not in computer science, and 34% know that salaries are high. However, it is a lateral element and of minor importance in women.

Keys To Generate in the Female Gender the Impulse of the STEM Professions

A study called "The challenge of STEM vocations" conducted by DigitalES provides some recommendations as to why young women discard science and technology studies. 

1. Adding Technology Subjects in High School: The academic problem is one of the reasons why schoolchildren, aged between 12 and 18, would discard the option of studying a STEM profession. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the area of technology have always been in some students limiting in the learning process, that is why it must be analyzed in what way it is being taught and in what way students are assimilating it. According to the data collected from the report, academic difficulty reaches 40% of schoolchildren, of which 25% are not clear about professional opportunities, 35% do not know which career to choose and 5% do not know any engineer to guide them; these options generate 65% of the lack of orientation and knowledge.


2. Disseminate Female References in STEM Professions: It is important to promote the meeting of students with professionals in the STEM branch so that they can share their experiences with them. These actions can build confidence and strong momentum in the choice of professions in question.

3. Promote Initiatives Where They Offer the Knowledge of Technology to Girls: Efforts should be directed to facilitate another vision of the STEM world, promoting advances in medicine, solving natural disasters, socio-economic transformations, development in recycling technology, and sustainability, among others.

2021 Colombian Women’s Initiative, With Programming Skills

Zinobe recently launched a program called "The Girl Code 2021" for Colombian women female programs to participate in the development of a prototype that responds to 6 challenges in 3 days. The purpose of this space is to promote and encourage interest in advancing their professions as technology programmers.

In short, public and private entities work hard to close the gender gap in STEM areas. That is why we must join forces in providing our daughters with spaces to develop their technical skills, through workshops, talks, courses, reading of female references, initiatives, among others.

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