15 Unique Facts About the Big Data

Find out 15 fun facts about Big Data

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Find out 15 fun facts about Big Data

15 Unique Facts About the Big Data

Well, Big data is not at all a fad! It makes some real sense. Moreover, we are just at the first revolutionary stage which is going to touch businesses of every genre on the planet.

But, a hell lot of people are still considering the concept of big data as something not so important and they think that there’s no bad in ignoring the same sometimes. But, actually, this unique technological concept is much more than that!

Leer en español: 15 Datos únicos sobre el Big Data

Don’t you think I am right? Well, then, here I am with a rundown of some of the most surprising facts about big data which will simply really render you spellbound!!

1. Microsoft Azure along with open-source framework Storm and Hadoop built an integrated cloud-based solution with the main objective of big data improving the episodes of fraud recognition.

2. The data volume is exploding like never before and an immense amount of data has been created in the past two years in comparison to the previous history of human race.

3. It is expected that by 2020, one-third of the total data will be stored or pass through the cloud and we will be left with almost 35 zettabytes of data.

4. A study has successfully revealed that more than 37.5% of enterprises believe that analyzing the big data is their biggest challenge.

5. It has been noticed that visualization is simply becoming a buzzing concept as it makes the analysis of data an easier chapter. According to an Information Week Business Survey, 45% of the 414 respondents mentioned the ease-of-use challenges with complicated software and less technical people as the second biggest obstacle in accepting BI or analytics products. 

6. The USA has to bear with a cost of $600 billion annually due to bad data or poor data quality.

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7. The revenue of any company can get boosted up by 66% due to performing data-quality best practices.

8. If it is observed that an average of Fortune 1000 company can increase the data-usability by just 10%, then the company would expect an enhancement of over 2 billion dollars.

9. 90% of the entire data present in the world has been created in just the last two years of time.

10. At every minute, we all are creating a new set of data. For example, if we perform 40,000 search queries on every second in only Google then the figure will stand as 3.5 searches per day and not less than 1.2 trillion searches per year.

11. If we expect that there will be a 40-60% annual growth in the total volume of data generated then it won’t be wrong. Moreover, the media intensive sectors including the financial services would experience a year by year growth rate in data which could go up to 120%.

12. 75% of the total digital information is being generated by individuals from different sectors while the enterprises will deal with 80% of the entire digital data at some point in time.

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13. Within the next 5-8 years, you’ll find more than 50 billion smart connected devices available in the entire world which will be all developed to collect, analyze and last but not the least share data.

14. It is visible that the healthcare industry could save as much as $ 300 billion in a year while integrating big data within the same. Interestingly, the figure seems to be equal to reducing the cost by $1000 a year for each and every man, woman, and child in the entire world.

15. Do you know that the White House has already spent a huge bunch of almost $200 million in various big data projects?

Wrapping Up:

Well, after I got to know the aforementioned incredible facts about big data then I can now vouch for one certain fact. And, that is the amazingly highest rate at which data and the expert’s ability to analyze the same is enhancing, it can be definitely said that almost all levels of businesses would be using some or other form of data analytics to skyrocket their business in the next 5-10 years!


About Author:

Maulik Patel is Founder & Director of His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. He is an expert in Web marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, B2B Marketing, Online Advertisement of Google, Yahoo and MSN.


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