
Commute much?

Transportation is an old problem. The process of getting something, or someone, from one place to another is never easy. The first form of transportation was very slow: walking, running and swimming. Next, domestic animals, like horses and oxen, allowed for heavier loads and for humans to ride them. The wheel and the sled aided animals in transportation efficiency. Boats were the only way to transport good for long distances until the Industrial Revolution.

With the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, came the invention of the telegraph and the steam engine. The steam engine allowed for trains to run without human or animal effort. Next, came the steam ship, further increasing the global transportation of goods. The combustion engine and the automobile began in 1900. Cars gained in efficiency and popularity. In 1903, the Wright Brothers accomplished a new mode of transportation. They invented flight. 

In a populated city like Bogota, it is no surprise that traffic is a huge problem. Commuting in Bogota is hard and long. It can take an hour to get from your home to your office. Sometimes, public transportation is faster, but it is often very crowded. Various ideas exist about ways to improve traffic, but many are expensive and difficult to implement in a city as old as Bogota.

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